Monday, February 23, 2009

Update on My War with Nemesis

A week ago (Sunday) I took Richard into the E.R. at 1:30 in the morning because he was having labored breathing. His snot test came back positive with not only R.S.V but also Influenza. So we take him in one to two times a day to have respiratory suctioning. The respiratory therapist said that 2 years ago they would have admitted him but they realized how hard it is on babies to be away from family and for parents to be away from their other children. So instead of admitting the babies, they have the babies brought in for suctioning. Now until March is really bad for RSV so be careful if you have small children. Lock your doors and seal your windows, LOL.

In the middle of the week we took Alex and Cynthia in to the pediatrician, they also have R.S.V. Cynthia is on antibiotic for an ear infection, poor kid.

Katrina has been having fevers over 105 degrees. When we told her she couldn't go to school, on Friday, she flipped out. I thought she was going to hitch-hike her way to school. I told her that some kids pretend to be sick to miss school. She just couldn't understand that. Missing school is her personal nightmare.

Soon I will be sporting a portable EKG monitor, for a few weeks. I saw the cardiologist on Friday, the fatigue and chest pains are unbearable. The pain is probably caused by inflammation. The monitor will tell us what is going on during the heart palpitations. Part of me doesn't want to tell the doctors stuff because it just ends in more tests. I would almost rather be ignorant or blame it on anxiety. The backed up blood could be stretching the heart chamber and messing with nerves which results in arrhythmia. Next month I will also go in for a stress test and I'm due for another echo cardiogram. Wish me luck. One good thing is that I don't have anymore breathing problems.

In general, I eat healthy and exercise so it makes me mad when I have health issues. I was a health teacher for heaven's sake, why do I get the privilege of having issues? I'm sure thing are going to be fine and work out on their own, it's just really annoying. I look forward to the day of possibly being immortal. I'm sorry if this sounds like a pity party. I'm venting.

If it doesn't kill you, it makes you stronger, right? I really have been greatly blessed in my life with an wonderful husband and family. I am grateful that we don't struggle financially, especially during these hard economic times. Most of all I'm grateful for a Savior that gives me hope daily. Hope in myself and my potential to be better individual through the atonement.

1 comment:

Turbo said...

Man, that is a pretty full plate. Good luck with all of that, we will be thinking about you guys.