Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Where has my Baby Gone?

Richard is Ten Months Old, so big.

Richard grew up over night. He's a moving machine, climbing and crawling. He plays in the dog's water dish, eats the dog food, digs in the trash cans, eats solids like a pro, says "dada" and "mama", claps his hands, waves "bye bye", drinks from a sippy cup and climbs anything within reach. On completion of climbing up the stairs he sits at the top of the stairs smiling down at the stairs as if he just climbed Mt Everest.

The other night Alex (5 years old) was on the floor, lying on his back and brushing his teeth. Cynthia announced to me that Richard (10 months old) had "doggy slammed" Alex. I looked over an sure enough, growling Richard had climbed on top of Alex and "doggy piled" him. He was stretching his arm to reach Alex's out-stretched arm clinging onto his tooth brush. I pulled Richard off his older brother and gave him a toothbrush of his own. Richard was happily pacified, chewing on his own toothbrush.

We then continued on with our nightly routine of passing out the fluoride tablets. As I was passing them out Richard looked at me with a disgruntled face and grunted at me twice. We laughed because he doesn't get fluoride yet, but he definitely want to be a part of the group.

It is sad to see him grow up so fast but he still gives excellent hugs and snuggles. Just watch out because he BITES! The days are long but times goes by fast.

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