Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Achy Breaky Heart

I was on a heart monitor for a while. I wore electrode wires that were connected to a bluetooth that sent info to a cell phone. The monitor company would call when they got a reading that was abnormal.
They called at like 4:45 AM "Are you having symptoms?"
Well let me see.....FATIGUE! It's 4:45 AM, I was asleep before you called!

Yesterday, I had a treadmill test at the Cardiologists. I am having arrhythmia problems or irregular heartbeats. The leaky heart valve gets backed up and puts pressure on the chamber of the heart. That effects the nerves (wiring) which creates aarhythmia problems. And as the Cranberry Farms Ward Choir Director I want you to know that a Arrhythmia problem and A rythmn problem are different, LOL. Even though I have both. LOL.

So my heart is randomly racing like crazy. So I am on a beta-blocker heart medication called propranolol. It slows the heart down. So lets cross our fingers that it takes away the dizziness, fatigue, chest pains (aorta spasms), water retention and migranes.

I went blind in one of my eyes last week when I tried to go to a class at the gym and gained 10 pounds in 36 hours. That makes me really angry. I have low blood pressure so we are watching my blood pressure to make sure it doesn't drop it too low. Because I'm nursing the medication may effect the baby in that he may not grow as quickly. Breastfeeding has a lot of advantages so I'm going to keep it up.

I'm hopeful.

1 comment:

Beth B said...

Danielle!!! I am adding you to my prayer list.